AirconMech offers various options for controlling installed building equipment. A Building Management System is generally a computer-based control system installed in buildings to control and monitor the building’s mechanical and electrical equipment such as ventilation, lighting, power systems, fire systems and security systems, all from one location.
Typical systems installed by AirconMech include touchscreen or PC options. Further options allow users to remotely access control options over a secure connection using an internet address.
Advantages of Building Management Systems:
- Energy Conservation.
With a BMS system, the controller can isolate certain areas that are not being occupied for example. Furthermore, economy modes allow the use of outside air when the temperature allows, thus reducing the demand on the systems and reducing energy consumption.
- Improved Reliability
Control system can rotate startups between devices, manage startups/shutdowns, optimize Morning warm-up timing, and otherwise extend the expected lifecycle of HVAC equipment while ensuring comfort for building occupants.
- Centralised Control and Visibility
With control systems, you can provide access to every aspect of your HVAC through a secure web browser interface from anywhere on the Internet, or limit visibility to your WAN, Intranet or the local workstation. You can view and adjust set points, temperature, scheduling, or any devices under control.
- Monitoring and Diagnostics
Certain system controllers are self-diagnostic and can alert you if any problems occur in the control system. User-defined custom alarms can be created to alert you of temperature abnormalities, device failures, scheduled maintenance, and other noteworthy events in your HVAC system.
Should you wish to discuss your BMS requirements please do not hesitate to contact us.