AirconMech is a proud supporter of the new industry cluster “Engineering the South East” launched in June 2019.

In recent years there has been a number of requests from companies, enterprise agencies and educational & training providers for collaboration at regional level to support engineering. Arising from several workshops, the South East Regional Skills Forum with the Engineering faculties in IT Carlow and Waterford IT formed Engineering theĀ  South East.

Engineering the South East was launched with a mission to see companies working together to address skills needs, promote careers in engineering and advance the engineering capabilities of the region. This industry-led initiative will encourage, engage and support young people in pursuing their career within the engineering industry. A steering group of industry representatives will oversee the strategic direction and work of Engineering the South East with a focus on three main areas: Skills, Promotions & Communications and Innovation.

Follow the Engineering the South East LinkedIn page to keep up to date on new events and developments in the world of engineering in the south-east region.

Pictured: Engineered for Success! Industry leaders at the launch of the new cluster to promote engineering in the South East.